Tuesday, March 17, 2015

New Blog

After a full day of loading my kiln, I went to go outside for a nice relaxing hot tub.  I usually wear my shoes, due to the snow but I looked and no snow.  So I took off my shoes and with a little excited hop, because of the lack of snow, I went outside.  Well my feet flew up and my butt/back came down.  My first thought and I am not lying was, "I hope I can sit at my potters wheel", a little addicted I think.
So this morning I thought why not make lemonade out of these lemons and start a blog.  I started pottery in September of last year, so 6 months ago.  I didn't think I would ever get the hang of it and then all the sudden after hours and hours and hours of throwing, I got it.  I am so addicted to the process I don't think I could stop even if I wanted to which I don't.  I love that you can take a lump of clay and make something useful and pretty.
The process of making pottery is healing to the body, not all the chemicals and silica dust which I have heard are quite harmful, but emotional healing.  I don't know if I can attribute it to one aspect, but sitting at the wheel with your hands in the clay while the wheel turns is very meditative.  The parallels with God and how he forms us has been a spiritual healing as well.  I have seen scripture in a new light since starting pottery; some of those things I believe need to be shared.  So I will be sharing as I go, on this blog some of the interesting things God teaches me, as I have my hands in the clay.  I don't know what I learned about my fall except maybe don't trust what you see (black ice) I should of trusted my first instinct which was putting shoes on. 
I hope to be a fairly regular blogger but we shall see.

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