Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New kiln!!!!

I am beyond excited! After 14 months of using this relic, I got a new kiln!
To fully understand what this will mean for me, let me explain my firing process with the old kiln.  Every hour I would flip one switch, this took a total of 7 hours.  After 2 hours of firing, I would check the kiln every 15 minutes, this usually took about 2-3 hours.  After that, I would manually, do a cool down, meaning I would flip off all the switches for 15 minutes to drop the temperature then I would flip 4 of the switches back on for 30 min.  So as you can see, on firing days, I could never leave the house.  One of the last times I was firing, I needed to leave the house and couldn't; not a good feeling!  Another issue I had was the temperature differences, the middle of the kiln would get way hotter than, the bottom and top, in some cases this resulted in beautiful pottery but usually it resulted in disasterous ugly blisters!
Here is the new beauty!
With the new kiln I basically push a button and that is it!!!  So now you can see why I am so excited!
Brand spankin new!
When I first started pottery my funds were low, so all the pottery I sold went into supplies and savings! Thanks to all my customers, after the Christmas season, I had more then enough funds for a new kiln!  I am sooooo thankful to all those that have supported this new passion of mine (pottery)! I am excited for what this next year holds! My mind is exploding with all sorts of new ideas!   

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